
Welcome to my blog! I update this blog regularly, telling about my experiences during my two years at the United World College of the Adriatic. Please check out the videos above from my youtube account, and click on pictures to see them in full size.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Warm weather...

The weather has been great lately, which has promoted my taking lots of pictures in the last few days, and deciding to update my blog!
I have been doing less schoolwork lately and focusing on some projects and other things such as yearbook pictures and various 25th anniversary projects I'm excited about. The most prominent of these is cleaning up/landscaping a garden area by one of the residences and dedicating it to the 25th anniversary... I'm pretty excited about it and am currently drawing up plans for what we'll do and what materials we need etc.

I didn't get to go biking last weekend because the weather was really bad, but I'm planning on going tomorrow (legs permitting) - I tried to go play soccer today but my legs cramped really badly and I couldn't run... I think it's just irregular (intense/no) exercise.
That's the plan for the weekend along with working on yearbook pages etc.
I've been playing Viola quite a lot, we had a concert on Wednesday, and we now have a small "sinfonietta" (chamber music group).

I took a lot of pictures this week of my residence, Fore. I figured it would be cool to give people a sense for what it's like here.

Theres a picture (a little romanticized, but entirely accurate and typical) of entrance to my residence, with Abdu and Natayla.

I also threw in this picture of a typical lunch for me here. It's actually pretty good, but it starts to get repetitive after a while.

Theres a picture here of our day-room and the door to my room (right next to the day room).

There's always a beautiful view, but it's sooooo nice to be outside, I can't wait for consistently warm weather.... we have a lawn right next to the residence, and Mensa (the cafeteria) is the same building as my residence, but downstairs. The beautiful balcony with the view of the castle overlooking the sea, is also part of our building... its amazing.

I've been enjoying the photography a lot, we get to each put out a book for our final project for the activity (advanced photography)... I have to decide on a theme! But it's been really fun doing all of that, I'm planning a photo-shoot for this weekend to get some pictures of people in national costumes (for a calendar) and others for the yearbook. Yesterday, Malika (volunteer at the college from India, she's very cool) and I set up a date in the beginning of March where we're taking the entire school to the port and taking a photo from a boat on the water (hoping it will be the yearbook cover)....

(my room is the one on the left before the glass doors in this picture)

Anyway, lots going as usual!
Hope everyone's doing well out there,
we have a long weekend in two weeks and we're probably going skiing in Slovenia, I'll let you all know!
