
Welcome to my blog! I update this blog regularly, telling about my experiences during my two years at the United World College of the Adriatic. Please check out the videos above from my youtube account, and click on pictures to see them in full size.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 12, 2007

Ciao Tutti!
We had a show for the 2nd years this weekend called the EE Show which is celebrating the 2nd years' finishing their Extend Essays (a 4,000 word essay that factors into your IB score, on a topic you choose).
The show was stressful to put on because, at least I, put a lot of time into it. There were some great organizers (Samantha, Lilly, Diana) who did loads of work that I'm really glad I wasn't involved in, but I did do lots of acts, my band played, I made some movies, etc.
The show was Friday night and was sooo much fun to do. It was know as the "Red Carpet Affair" and was movie themed, so the 2nd years came in assigned couples dressed as assigned characters. The whole event was just fantastic. We put it on in the new school auditorium, which was great, and it would have reminded those of you who know, of the shows at UWCAD. Lots of skits, dances, LOTS of music - classical to vocal and rock.
I have been getting much busier with school in general. I feel like I need to study outside of class in order to keep up, and it's very hard to do with so much going on!
On Saturday, I went to Aviano with Heidi (USA) and Diana (UK). Aviano is an American military base N.E. of here, at the base of the dolomites. One of the residence tutors and wife (Anne) of a teacher here was really nice to drive us (about an hour) so we went and bought American food and went to a Taco Bell and payed in American Dollars etc. They have a sort of strip mall on the base for the soldiers that has a big grocery store, a general wall-mart-like store and some fast-food restaurants and a barber (I got a hair cut/buzz). It was really fun and really different to be back around Americans and American food and products.
You can only enter the base if you have an American Military ID (which Heidi does because her father is in the military) or if you are a guest of one of said people.
Anyway, it was lots of fun, we came home, made Fajitas, and today I ate Bagels and Cream Cheese for breakfast and Digiorno Frozen Pizzas and Ranch Dressing for dinner (with Heidi, Diana and Kristina (Canada)). I also bought things like egg waffles, cheddar cheese, tortillas and grape nuts cereal that I just miss being here. It's nice to have the familiarity also.
Anyway, that was a nice little trip back to the U.S.

In general here things are going well, the weather has been pretty nice lately (still cold though) and I have been mostly playing soccer for exercise. I've been playing guitar more (with band) and viola less.

I've been hanging out a lot with Urska, Lucy, Diana, Heidi, some with Lilly, and, of course, with lots of people all the time in different contexts. I reiterate that everyone here is exceptionally interesting, fun and nice.

Tuesday we go to Rome and Milan for 8 days with the school as part of the 25th Anniversary celebrations. It's impressive what they've done to mobilize 200 people!

I'll write about that trip when I'm back, I won't have my laptop on the trip because the school is allowing us to bring them in light of theft, and power problems with all of us plugging in at the residences we'll be at.
I will have my cameras though, so there should be lots of good media!

Hope everyone's doing well!

Here is the video I made for and of the 2nd years, enjoy.

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