
Welcome to my blog! I update this blog regularly, telling about my experiences during my two years at the United World College of the Adriatic. Please check out the videos above from my youtube account, and click on pictures to see them in full size.

Friday, September 7, 2007

September 7. 2007

As I said, we started classes this week, which has made everything more hectic, but exciting and interesting at the same time. The schedule we run on for classes is very weird: we have an 8 day cycle, with school 5 days a week. So the cycle will finish on Wed. of next week, and then start again on thursday. I have 6 classes (listed before) and various blocks free, which show up quite randomly durring the 8 days - the best times for free block are in the morning so that you can sleep longer! Classes start at 8:00 and end around 13:50, depending on when you have breaks.
I've been doing less excercise this week, partly because I've been so busy, but also becaus the weather here has gotten pretty cold. It's been okay durring some of the days, but it feels a lot like fall already. Everyone says it's unusual to get cold this early. I don't mind the cold too much, but I got used to taking long swims in the sea, and I can't anymore because it is way too cold to be in the water. I'm considering trying today anyway though, because it looks sunny outsied.
This week we have aesthetic activity taster sessions, which is where we try out the different aesthetic activites we are interested in and see which ones we like - we sign up for them this weekend, it think.
Remember that all students have CAS - Creative, Athletic and Service (I don't think that's actually what it is, come to think about it, but that's the idea, and I can't remembert the actuall acronym or what it stands for) - as a compulsory part of our education here. We have to take one in each section.

So far, for Creative I'm thinking of doing Photography, Choir, and Music Lessons
For Physical, sailing (windsurfing I think), soccer and maybe capoeira
Service, I'm probably doing Band Service (performing in groups for free around the community) and hopefully the 25th anniversary planning group for the college service.

Between figuring all these things out, doing homework, going to class, and socializing, I've probably been as busy this this week as I will be when I actually start having all these things regularly! (at least I hope so because if I'm any more busy, it might not be fun)
I'm also hoping to start working on a video of the college (maybe just a short, informal one to start, so that I can post it on facebook or youtube and everyone can see a bit about my life here)!

Anyway, class is starting, gotta go,
I'll write more later!

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