
Welcome to my blog! I update this blog regularly, telling about my experiences during my two years at the United World College of the Adriatic. Please check out the videos above from my youtube account, and click on pictures to see them in full size.

Friday, September 14, 2007

September 14, 2007

The school week went by very quickly! I guess that was my second full week of actual school... and it still feels like I've been here for months!
Everything is great, I'm starting to like most of my classes a lot, and am finding most of the subject material really interesting.
Our activities are all starting around now too. We had physical activities this week for the first time, and Aesthetic and Service activities start next week. I found out today that I was selected for Photography Activity and for Music Activity (Viola Lessons) which is awesome, especially because I don't think you're supposed to be able to be in two core activities, but I'm on the list twice! I'm really excited for these! I spoke with the Photography teacher at the taster session for Photography last week, and he said that I would probably be able to be in Intermediate Photography class, even though it's only for 2nd years normally - and I'm in! The teacher, Angelo, doesn't speak English, but he's been teaching at the college for 25 years and is very cool. I think it will also help my Italian to be taking a class in the language.
I had sailing (my core physical activity) this week also, and it was lots of fun. I basically got on a small sailboat (a laizer, I think) with another girl who had learned how to sail it 3o min. previous, and I figured it out! We almost hit one of our groups other boats once, and we almost capsized at least twice, but we didn't and it worked out! Either next week or in two, I'm going to start wind surfing during the activity, but the instructor thought it would be a good idea for me to get down the tactics of sailing, before I added the balance part into it.... So that will be fun!
The weather has been warmer lately, and I've been swimming the last few days. I also went running on a nice trail called Wilke Path, that leaves from the Fore lawn, and ends up in a nearby port called Sistiana. I ran there and back yesterday, it was amazing, and the view of the sea off the cliffs was phenomenal.
Two unusual things happened this week. The first is that our Physics teacher arrived late from China, we had one physics class, and two days later, the teacher decided that he was not going to stay! This was not only a little shocking, but a little frightening as we have now gone 2 weeks without physics classes! Anyway, the headmaster has interviewed other teachers and says we will have one soon, I hope so!
Also, an Indian girl Shristi left on Wednesday. The story is that she didn't like it here, and that she missed home. I believe they may be sending a replacement from India, but I found that extremely shocking. I guess UWC doesn't fit for everybody...

The first years are also planning an EE Show for the Second years, which is a tradition at the college. When the second years have to turn in their Extended Essays (EE's) on Nov. 2nd, we're planning a big performance in the Hall/Auditorium that's being inaugurated on the 22nd of this month! I'm playing a main role in the planning, and it sounds like I'll be in charge of the musical sections of the performance... it should be lots of fun, I'm excited!

Highlights this week included starting the planning for the show, running and swimming, Sarah (my seconda)'s Birthday Party we had in the woods on Wed. night, and a dinner we had with some of the Americans, Canadians and British.
I can't really think of any lowlights... maybe just not having gotten other things done, but there is only so much time in a week!
Anyway, I am going on the school planned cultural visit to Venice tomorrow, we are leaving at 6:35 tomorrow morning! Another group went last Saturday, and said it was amazing, so I'm really looking forward to it!

Ciao, hope everyone's doing great!

p.s. This is a picture my Mongolian room-mate Jay took when I was about to go biking last week!

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