
Welcome to my blog! I update this blog regularly, telling about my experiences during my two years at the United World College of the Adriatic. Please check out the videos above from my youtube account, and click on pictures to see them in full size.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Venice, September 15

Venice was amazing!
I feel like I've always had this subtle desire to go there and take photographs, because it is this entirely different, very romantic, historical place. Now, I have been to Venice, and I took lots of photographs (about 250)! I really did love it though, it is a very beautiful and cultural city.
The school trip left at 6:35 in the morning on Saturday, we drove about two hours to a port town, from which we took a ferry for about an hour to Venice. Approaching the city from the water is very impressive, it looks very dramatic, with large churches and towers, and building that show the Eastern Muslim influence in historical Venice.
Having Henry Thomas along on this excursion makes all the difference from the historical perspective, because he knows so much about the history, architecture and art. He gave us a tour of various churches and piazzas, and explained quite a lot about the history. What I especially remember him discussing, is that Venice was very powerful in the 14th century or so, and controlled all the trade with the know Eastern world at the time, that was coming into Europe. Thus, Venice reflects this with the architecture, art and things from Egypt etc. Venice was, because they controlled all this important trade, also the richest city in Europe, so it's quite impressive. There are something like 1-2 Million tourists visiting Venice every year...
Anyway, very interesting.
We stayed all day, had free time in which we walked a lot and I took lots of pictures, ate pizza, and saw cool places...
The day was amazing overall, and I look forward to going back possibly in February for a big festival where there are impressive masks. Sounds like lots of fun.
So I like Venice alot, the trip back was great with a sunset over Venice on the ferry... lovely.
That night, we stayed up late dancing at this beach nearby called Sistiana, which was kinda ridiculous and also lots of fun!

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